What do systems of power in America today look like? How do those systems fail us? How can we envision them anew? Who are the voices of people paving the way for this new vision? COMPASS is a gathering. A celebration of collective action.

In seven movements in Ripe Time’s signature image-laden storytelling, COMPASS centers the minds and bodies of those modeling leadership through empathy, listening and proactive community-based action. COMPASS’ embodied, interview-based storytelling imagines new models of advocacy, leadership and intersectional feminism. Each movement of the piece visualizes the physical effort and action to envision the NEXT world, guided by the leadership of BIPOC womxn and other advocates not invited to the table of today’s systems of power.


Premiered April 22, 2023, ASU Gammage Center’s Beyond Broadway series

Visit the official show page.

Production Credits

Created and Directed by Rachel Dickstein

Collaborators include: nicHi douglas, Mika Eubanks, Anna Kiraly, Yuki Nakase Link, Kamala Sankaram, Matt Stine, Delanna Studi

Get in touch

Email amanda [at] to discuss or click below to see other shows for booking.